Composable USDC: Seamless UX in the Multi-chain World

Combining Axelar with the recently announced Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP) by Circle, we plan to unlock seamless Web3 user experiences to make blockchain technology accessible to billions of users.

October 20, 2022
Galen Moore
October 20, 2022

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The blockchain ecosystem is multi-chain. Avalanche, Cosmos, Ethereum, Polygon and Sui are growing and cater to different developer demographics. Developers today understand how to build on any single chain, and have a suite of tools and learning materials at their disposal. However, navigating the multi-chain ecosystem today is complex, and requires a paradigm shift in how applications are architectured.

Axelar is a decentralized and permissionless cross-chain platform, offering secure cross-chain communication and cutting-edge developer tooling. Combining Axelar with the recently announced Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP) by Circle, we plan to unlock seamless Web3 user experiences to make blockchain technology accessible to billions of users.


  • Circle has announced the Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol, enabling USDC to flow natively cross-chain - eliminating the need for wrapped versions on supported chains.
  • Axelar adds General Message Passing to Circle's protocol.
  • Together, Axelar and Circle plan to enable composable USDC: developers compose one-click, multichain experiences, incorporating native USDC and function calls to any dApp on any connected chain.

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