Five Projects Graduate from the LongHashX 'Axelerator' Cohort

Five projects graduated from the world’s first cross-chain accelerator, run by LongHashX in partnership with Axelar, after 12 intense weeks of venture building and mentorship.

April 9, 2023
Galen Moore
April 9, 2023

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LongHashX hosted a Demo Day for its 10th cohort, run in partnership with Axelar, which saw five projects building cross-chain use cases across account abstraction, private cross-chain transfers, modular NFT-based escrow payments, Web3 gaming and hybrid custody. This followed 12 intense weeks in which the projects received:

  • Initial funding from LongHashX.
  • A rigorous Web3-native curriculum.
  • Weekly problem-solving sessions with Venture Builders.
  • The first cohort to have access to LongHash Web, LongHashX’s on-chain contribution network for mentors.
  • Introductions to top-tier investors.

These five projects were selected from more than 250 applications received at the end of 2022. Additionally, nine projects were selected to receive a grant from Axelar, and also had the opportunity to participate in the program’s fireside chats, which drew notable guests, including Web3 founders such as Fernando Martinelli (Balancer), Lukas Schor (Safe), and Gabby Dizon (YGG), and investors such as Miko Matsumura (Gumi), Stephen McKeon (Collab+Currency), and Ben Perszyk (Polychain).

As the projects continue their building journey, they are looking to meet with strategic investors and partners to further boost their growth. More information on each project, including their pitch, can be found below.

LongHashX Axelar Accelerator Cohort

Peanut Protocol

Founders: Konrad Urban, Hugo Montenegro

Peanut Protocol has built a new crypto primitive for transfer abstraction.

The user experience of Web3 as a whole is still too clunky. Whether it be to send tokens to someone without a wallet, making private transfers to a crypto OG or even bridging assets cross-chains, current options are still inconvenient and involve a steep learning curve hampering adoption. Peanut Protocol are building modules that improve these tenfold. They have also built a foundation to help abstract away unnecessary complexity with regards to any kind of transfers.

Watch their pitch:

Click here to meet the team:


Founders: Vishwas Bhushan, Shanu Joshi

Lync enables game devs to take any game on-chain in two minutes.

Blockchain gaming is considered by many to play the critical role of onboarding a billion users to crypto/blockchain. However, most game devs have little knowledge of blockchain based tech, have to spend months learning about the stack, and often settle for less-than-average gaming experiences. Lync abstracts away blockchain complexities offering a simple plug and play Unity and Unreal SDK to deploy games on any chain, and create cross-chain marketplaces and monetization opportunities for game studios and developers while enabling the same level of gaming performance as offered by centralized alternatives.

Watch their pitch:

Click here to meet the team:


Founders: Rafi Rashid, Mohamed Basrai, Alejandro Almaraz

Denota is revolutionizing business payments with NFT agreements.

Limited reputation-building mechanisms, ambiguous payment agreements and high costs involved in creating payments contracts create issues for freelancers and small businesses. Denota enables easy-to-create, NFT-based contracts with multiple modules and built-in disputation options to ensure on-time payments cross-chain, and a mechanism to build on-chain reputation.

Watch their pitch:

Click here to meet the team:

Banana SDK

Founders: Haque Farazul, Rishabh Gupta

Banana is creating a smart-contract wallet SDK that integrates a secure hardware enclave and zk-2FA.

Hot wallets are the de facto gateway to blockchains and dApps, but lack basic components around security and user experience. Banana's solution simplifies the process by providing an in-app wallet experience for Web2.5 apps, enabling users to use biometrics like touch-ID and face-ID recognition for authentication. With cross-chain capabilities, dApps that use Banana's SDK can allow users without a wallet to start using the application in less than three minutes, without worrying about wallet downloading, safety, gas fees, bridging and swapping assets to pay for something. This makes it easier for non-Web3 users to get started on dApps without the hassle of traditional wallet management.

Watch their pitch:

Click here to meet the team:

Screen Protocol

Founders: Mohit Jain, Garvit Khatri

Screen is creating a secure transaction and recovery protocol for smart-contract wallets.

The collapse of centralized platforms like FTX and Voyager has led crypto users to embrace self-custody of their assets. However, many self-custody solutions suffer from questionable security and subpar user experiences. Screen's goal is to address these concerns by creating a secure transaction and recovery protocol for smart-contract wallets. To achieve this, Screen allows users to appoint third-party guardians as co-signers. By integrating external co-signers such as banks, exchanges or custodians with opt-in controls, Screen aims to enable features such as simple wallet recovery, fraud detection and single-click, cross-chain UX for multi-sig transactions.

Watch their pitch:

Click here to meet the team:

About LongHashX

LongHashX is the world’s leading Web3 accelerator. We partner with the leading Web3 ecosystems and infrastructure protocols to build their developer communities by funding and venture building with early-stage founders.

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