$circleDiameter: 30rem; // Replace X with the desired diameter in rem
$circleRadius: $circleDiameter / 2;
$totalElements: 11;
$angleIncrement: 360deg / $totalElements; // Equal angle increment in degrees
$animationDuration: 12.5s;
@keyframes circle-motion {
from {
transform: rotate(-90deg) translate($circleRadius) rotate(90deg);
to {
transform: rotate(270deg) translate($circleRadius) rotate(-270deg);
@media (max-width:767px){
$circleDiameter: 24rem; // Replace X with the desired diameter in rem
$circleRadius: $circleDiameter / 2;
@keyframes circle-motion {
from {
transform: rotate(-90deg) translate($circleRadius) rotate(90deg);
to {
transform: rotate(270deg) translate($circleRadius) rotate(-270deg);
.section.section--proof .dot--large, .circle__icon {
animation: circle-motion $animationDuration linear infinite;
@keyframes circle-motion-small {
from {
transform: rotate(-90deg) translate(1.75em) rotate(90deg);
to {
transform: rotate(270deg) translate(1.75em) rotate(-270deg);
.circle__icon {
animation: circle-motion-small $animationDuration linear infinite paused;
@keyframes element-blur {
0%, 100% {
filter: blur(3px);
25% {
filter: blur(0px);
50% {
filter: blur(3px);
.logo__item {
@for $i from 1 through $totalElements {
&:nth-child(#{$i}) {
// Calculate the angle for the current element
$angle: $angleIncrement * ($i - 1);
$randomDistanceX: random($circleDiameter+2) + 15; // Generates a number between 10 and 40
$randomDistanceY: random($circleDiameter+2) + 10;
// Generate a random distance from the center
// Calculate the X and Y positions using trigonometry
$xPosition: $randomDistanceX * cos($angle);
$yPosition: $randomDistanceY * sin($angle);
// Apply the translation
transform: translate(
//transform: rotate($angle) translate($circleRadius) rotate(-$angle);
$animationDelay: ($angle / 360deg) * $animationDuration * 1;
// Apply the blur animation with the calculated delay
animation: element-blur $animationDuration * 1 linear infinite $animationDelay;
@media (max-width:767px){
.logo__item {
@for $i from 1 through $totalElements {
&:nth-child(#{$i}) {
// Calculate the angle for the current element
$angle: $angleIncrement * ($i - 1);
$randomDistanceX: random($circleDiameter+2) + 15; // Generates a number between 10 and 40
$randomDistanceY: random($circleDiameter+2) + 10;
// Generate a random distance from the center
// Calculate the X and Y positions using trigonometry
$xPosition: $randomDistanceX * cos($angle);
$yPosition: $randomDistanceY * sin($angle);
// Change values for mobile screens
$randomDistanceX: random($circleDiameter+2) + 2; // New value for X on mobile
$randomDistanceY: random($circleDiameter+1) + 25; // New value for Y on mobile
transform: translate(
//transform: rotate($angle) translate($circleRadius) rotate(-$angle);
$animationDelay: ($angle / 360deg) * $animationDuration * 1;
// Apply the blur animation with the calculated delay
animation: element-blur $animationDuration * 1 linear infinite $animationDelay;
.section {
counter-reset: dotCounter;
.section .m--card-wrapper {
counter-increment: dotCounter;
.section .m--card-wrapper .dot--large::before {
content: counter(dotCounter);
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